Look at the entire history of every race on Tamriel. If they occupy a certain space, it's because they went to it and took it by force.
Every. Single. Race.
Look at the entire history of every race on Tamriel. If they occupy a certain space, it's because they went to it and took it by force.
Every. Single. Race.
Except for the Argonians.
"War gives the right of the conquerors to impose any conditions they please upon the vanquished." Julius Caesar
The only mer even worth mentioning is the Dunmer.
That isn't the case because of the relative populations, in Australia traditional land ownership (always applying to where they are living already) is in the process of being acknowledged as legal land ownership.
The whole "Europeans would have to go back" isn't a problem because Australia (and America, to a very slightly lesser extent due to the nomadic nature of some of the tribes), was very underpopulated in relation to it's size.
It's amusing how the general opinion on when oppression / occupation is "okay" changes.
Yes, my sentiment exactly. However no dunmer would stroll around like that and that's why I used an altmer picture.
Also, my location.
That makes the Imperials the best bureaucrat class and that's what they can do best.
This is Ancient Rome, so i'm assuming that quote includes slavery.
White europeans conqured America from the Native Americans.
Nords conqured the Reach from the Reachmen.
It's the ancient times, so anything goes. Slavery, razing of cities, even flat out genocide tribe-cide.
I do. They're saying whether or not it's right doesn't matter as thats not how things work in TES. You want people to stop occupying your ancestral land, do something about it. I for one am not bringing morals into it. War is war.
From a lore standpoint I dislike the Bretons the most, simply because they are so unexplored. They hate orcs, fight among themselves and often study magic, and that is largely what we know about them. The Reachmen make them a bit more interesting though, even if they are a unique group among them.
From a gameplay perspective in Skyrim, I have to say the Imperials. In Oblivion and Morrowind I found them to be somewhat unique with their charm power and ability to absorb stamina from an unlucky opponent. In Skyrim they are basically a weaker version of the Nords*, which is a shame. Had they kept the Speech part about them and the Star of the West power, they would have been unique from the other humans.
*By a weaker version of the Nords I mean this:
The activated power of the two races are almost identical. The Nords cause things to flee, the Imperials cause things to calm down. The Nords affect most everything short of undead and dwemer stuff, the Imperials only affect humanoids. The Nords have a wider range, but lower duration. The Imperials have more narrow range, but longer duration. It amounts to about the same thing. Except that the Nords have a 50% resistance to frost, while the Imperials get 2-8 extra coins in containers.
The population of Native Americans (and are inhabited) in relation to the population of European Americans is similar to that of Reachmen and Nords.
Much like America should be giving land rights to Native Americans, Nords should be giving land rights back to the Reachmen (except for the whole psycho murderers thing).
This wouldn't push the American colonist descendants/Nords out of Markarth/America, as there are less Reachmen/Native Americans (obviously the scaling of the game world makes this not so)
It also makes them the best guards. Psychic and always polite
But I dont mind Imperials that much. I like playing as an Imperial thief to maximize that "greedy ass" feeling.