Shadow of Morrowind
Explore the Ruins of the past
WIP link:
Whats it all about:
Goal of this modification is to (re)create a lore friendly 4E Morrowind. Its directly intigrated into the Dragonborn DLC, using the existing Highmap to fill it with objects. Not only Vvardenfell will be recreated, all the way to skyrim (the morrowind mainland) which was never seen in any Elder Scrolls after TES1: Arena. The wordspaces are planned to be connected, you will be able to pass the gate leading to Morrowind from Skyrim! Or take a ship to Blacklight, Vivec or Solstheim to enter the world.
The Landscape editing will be done in 2 or 3 layers. First I place the plain objects, with not to much time spend per cell. Details will be added a later point (2nd layer)
This way I can fill these cell much faster. Currently I'm focused on getting as much objects as possible placed within the shortest possible time.
Once the basic landscape is created the possibilities for Quests and all kind of stuff is given.
The mod also aims to be as lore friendly as possible. Always in mind that many houndred years have passed since TES3. Old places might be gone. New places have been build. Other places have been destroyed during the red year, some of them are rebuilded. The landscape has changed aso. There are a lot of modders resources which can (and will) be used. All meshes and textures are community made.
If you like to help with the epic task to recreate Vvardenfell + the additional regions included in the DLCs heightmap, please PM me!
Sorry, you have to look up sceenshots at nexus, beth don't allow screens here it seams!