video check this out it's not made by me it's good not bad because if this was with every gun it wasn't so annoying shooting 5 cm away from enemy with any gun example with snipers & not counting as hit.. sometimes it truly hit but it doesn't count if you was doing this for every gun you could be sure more people was happy... sorry i compare to Battlefield 3 & CoD & Uncharted Games but in those they count and it's really dissapointing that in Crysis games it doesn't & also I like to add that on Maximum Team deathmatch it should be normal damages & ranges etc but 50% (half) health & everything else normal yes killstreak bonuses & yes map
Oh yes... The infamous 'let us help you shoot better' nonsense. Crytek please stop all aiming aids, they turn shooters into junk.
Leave the skill to the players.