There was already a thread about this. Plus its been 'discovered' by a myriad of people all over the net....
You need a source, or this is going to get locked.
Just saiyan.
Like the other dozen, I don't believe it personally
All those threads are hearsay - somebody reads it and posts it elsewhere, just like you did. Doesn't make it fact.
There's hasn't been reputable source offered - eg a university, a historical discussion site, an encycolpaedia - in the threads.
Which is why I don't beleive it to be true, well said kezardinjnr
Just saying that its not a new discovery.
Get a linguist to back it and then I'll believe what it means.
I think I've seen 5 of these within the last week.
I took a shot just upside the knee two weeks ago. Does it count?
One of these happened
1. Peopel actually looked it up and its true
2. Someone came up with it as a joke.
Supposedly someone found it out and posted it on the internet (I can't remember where) saying that the "arrow to the knee" was just slang for marriage. Its been on numerous sites from what I've seen.
There are threads about this on other websites dating back to december 2011. For some reason it's being recycled now - this is the fourth thread (at least) here in the last couple of days.
Goodness gracious! It's 'IN'! 'IN the knee'! Not 'TO'! Arrows don't go TO a knee!
Seriously, haven't any of you guys taken Physics and Zoology?!
*Shrug* Someone probably found it and thought it was correct thus reposted. Now that its been reposted people are once again thinking its true.