[RELz] Moonlight Tales - Werewolf Overhaul

Post » Fri May 10, 2013 6:37 pm

Moonlight Tales - Werewolf and Werebear Overhaul


Before replying here...
I'm an author who always had a lot of focus on user feedback and comments, but my time is limited and I cannot monitor the entire web. If you have a question that you would like to be answered then please don't post it here. Comment on the Skyrim Nexus website instead. Thank you!

Werewolves have always been a great addition to the adventures of every Dragonborn in the world of Skyrim. However, there was still a lot of elements that could have been improved. This mod aims at making being a werewolf a much more immersive, atmospheric and fun experience. It offers some new and interesting content with a considerable amount of customization, allowing you to choose what you would like to see (and hear) in your game and thus create your own story. Welcome to Moonlight Tales.

Mod features

Werebeast Skin System
Moonlight Tales provides a wide selection of the best werewolf skin and eye textures from the greatest Skyrim modders, granting you access to over 200 unique Werebeast models. This innovative system allows you to immediately modify your Werewolf or Werebear appearance by simply accessing the MCM menu and choosing the desired texture.

Playable Werebears
Werebears introduced in the Dragonborn DLC are now finally available for you as a playable race. Their Brotherhood howl has also been modified appropriately to summon Bear/ Snow Bear/ Werebear spirits. You can become a Werebear by contracting Sanies Ursius disease from wild werebears, drinking a Werebear Blood potion or by using the MCM Debug Menu.

Beastblood Unleashed
Werewolves of Skyrim are powerful beings and yet, it seems strange that by default they can only transform once a day. Obtaining the Ring of Hircine grants additional transformations but it is not very comfortable having to equip it and select its spell every time. In Moonlight Tales, Beast Form is no longer a once-a-day spell. After returning to your human form, the power gets a cooldown of 60 seconds after which it can be used again. The cooldown rate can be customized in the MCM.

Ring of Hircine
As far as the ring itself is concerned, its purpose and power have also been modified. Originally, one of the game characters was looking for this magical ring in order to restrain his beast side as the artifact was said to allow werewolves "control their transformation". However, I don't think that allowing you to transform more often exactly fits that description... With Moonlight Tales, once the Ring of Hircine is obtained, it will truly allow you to control the beast within you by unlocking different transformation-related settings in the MCM. Additionally, if you are not a werewolf, the ring will allow you to transform into one once a day. If you're a vampire, this will effectively allow you to become a Vampire-Werewolf hybrid. Also, it is no longer necessary to equip the ring for its power to appear. Having it in your possession is enough.

Lunar Transformations
Skyrim offers picturesque views of the night sky and is faithful to details such as moon phases. Unfortunately they have never been fully utilized in the vanilla game, which is a shame especially if you’re a werewolf. In Moonlight Tales, your life as a Werewolf or Werebear is deeply bound to the stages of the moon. If you have the Ring of Hircine, both the transformation chance for each phase and even the approximate time of the metamorphosis can be customized in the MCM. Those of you who know Tales of Lycantrophy mod will surely remember screen messages, warning the player about the imminent transformation. Those screen notifications were replaced by a less subtle but more interesting type of warning. I am not going to spoil this feature for you so you will have to discover it yourself.

Sharing the Beastblood
Werebeasts are now able to truly spread their lycanthropic gift. By attacking NPCs there is a chance of infecting them with Sanies Lupinus (Werewolf virus) or Sanies Ursius (Werebear virus) disease. The infection itself is indicated by a subtle glow around the attacked character. Either of the diseases takes three days to fully develop, after which the NPC becomes a Werebeast capable of spreading the virus. Of course the same rules apply to your character. Also, the NPCs turned by the player will share the skin he/she had the moment the transmission occured. An alternative method is using Werewolf and Werebear Blood potions found on some werebeast corpses. Note that essential and protected NPCs are immune to the disease. It is highly recommended that you don't simply wait through the days of the disease and, instead, fully experience the time your inner animal awakens as the night falls and the hunter's moon rises.
Player to NPC, NPC to Player and NPC to NPC infections can all be set in the MCM Menu. Please note these are all enabled by default.

Curing the Beastblood
The blood of the beast is a powerful blessing, but there may still come a time when you want to part with it. The cure in question can be found on some Werebeast NPCs in the form of a Werewolf or Werebear Heart. As with every cure it has to be consumed, however, there is a catch. You have to travel to Glemoril Coven, the site of the last remaining Shrine of Hircine and perform a ritual there. Remember, however, that your beast side may not give up that easily so I highly recommend saving your game before eating the heart in case the cure doesn't work the first time. Another (but far less spectacular) way to be cured is by using the MCM Debug Menu.

Werebeast Followers
Despite the fact that most of the known werebeast clans have been wiped out, you can still find companionship on your journeys by turning your followers into hunters of your kind. Followers that are not protected can be infected by attacking them in your beast form. If you have a Werewolf or Werebear Blood potion in your inventory, then there will be a dialogue option in which you can ask the follower to drink it. Similarly, if you would like to cure your followers, you need to obtain a werebeast heart, travel together to Glenmoril Coven and ask your companion to eat the heart. Other dialogue options that you get are based on transformation behaviour. You can ask your follower:
  • to transform whenever you do
  • to transform by themselves in combat
  • not to transform for now
In case you want to modify your current Follower's werebeast skin, it can be achieved by means of the "Reset your skin" dialogue option, which will switch follower's beast skin to the one currently used by the player.

Werebeast Events
It is now possible to encounter more wild werewolves, as well as werebears all around Skyrim and Solstheim. If you share their blood they will be non-hostile to you. In other words, if you are a werewolf, other werewolves will not attack you. Instead, they will wander and explore the world around them. Similarly to the player character, NPC Beast Form will also last for a limited amount of time, after which they will revert to their human self and get a cooldown. They level with the player and are also capable of performing knockbacks, using howls to summon allies and cannot be scared away with the Howl of Fear. They are also dynamically spawned with random skin textures chosen from the ones available in the new Skin System. Please note that Werewolves and Werebears are enemies and will thus attack each other. In order to avoid cluttering game memory, NPC Werebeasts will be removed from the game once they roam too far from the player. Frequency of the events, minimum required level, knockback protection etc. can all be changed in the MCM.

Hunter Events
Since Skyrim is now a far more dangerous place, it is possible for the werebeast player to be tracked by experienced armed hunters of various skills and races. Those elite hunters from factions like Silver Hand and Vigilants of Stendarr will level with the player and are immune to the effects of Howl of Fear. Frequency of Hunter events, minimum required level etc. can all be changed in the MCM.

Personally that's my favourite part of this mod. Depending on whether you are a newly-infected human or a full-fledged werebeast, you will experience different flavours of equally atmospheric music featuring:
  • McAsmod Music - 8 classic songs from McAsmod's Werewolves Morrowind mod playing in random selection when the player roams the land in Beast Form. Ideal theme for a moonlight stroll or an intense hunt.
  • Full Moon Music - amazing music theme from INTERNATIONALvids YouTube channel that plays when the player is affected by either Sanies Lupinus or Sanies Ursius disease. It allows you to experience your new power growing within you as your mind becomes one with the surrounding nature.
All of the above songs can be turned on and off in the MCM.

1. Download with Nexus Mod Manager
2. Install with Nexus Mod Manager
3. Play

Recommended Mods to use with Moonlight Tales
  • Heart of the Beast
  • Predator Vision
  • Werewolf Perks Expanded
Brevi - main author, technical support, Howling model; wild ideas and the ability to execute them :smile:
Al99 - co-author, tester, creator of this description
MadCat221 - La Femme Lycana, female werewolf model
NsJones - immersive werewolf skins and glowing eye textures
Bellyache/ wrig675 - realistic werewolf skin textures
Jeremy Hamilton/ artifex0 - natural werewolf skin textures
TheLys, Intelligentsia - atmospheric music from McAsmod's Werewolves Morrowind mod
INTERNATIONALvids - YouTube team composing the bone-chilling Full Moon music theme

Special Thanks
To our wives and fiances for bearing with such weirdos. :smile:
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Sylvia Luciani
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Post » Fri May 10, 2013 9:55 pm

Looks Amazing!

Now this is just a suggestion, however, one thing werewolves lack is a decent amount of kill-cam animations (i.e. needs new ones) [which such animations/kill cams drastically increase the badassery of being a werewolf!]

Another suggestion [just throwing out ideas is all] Werewolf clans with quests?

[Or different types of Werewolves?] such as, lesser versions aren't full beast form?

Food for thoughts is all.

Will definitely try this out though! :D

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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Fri May 10, 2013 6:20 pm

I find that this mod is a great tool to add additional and very satisfying kills to the Werewolf form.

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Post » Fri May 10, 2013 9:05 pm

I was wondering why a mod like this hadn't been made! this is great :) just what i needed to get back into Skyrim! will endorse.

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Richus Dude
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 12:29 am

I've been playing this since you released it this morning, and it is a work of art :)

I do have the same "problem" I had with TOL. I can't seem to control the NPC changes enough. I got Lycans set for 0.4% chance and Bears to 0.2; the days 4/7, extra chance for full moons. But I find Lycans and bears just about every set day (4/7) so it is more like 100% to find a were every few days.

And also that I can't control them to only spawn at set times, that would be nice. Like for the PC. I always run into them at day, no matter the moon phase, since I mostly sleep at night.

So that is something I am wondering about; is there something I can fiddle with in the CK to set this up?

A question. If I set the chance to find weres to Zero but have the check box for extra chance at full moon, will it only spawn weres at full moon?

Thanks for a great mod :tops:

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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Fri May 10, 2013 11:21 pm

Wouldn't this conflict with your ToL mod? Seeing as I'm a long time ToL user.

And what is this mods requirements? I see MCM..which makes me think SkyUI is needed. Obviously SKSE is required.

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Naughty not Nice
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 5:50 am

The way I understand atleast, you get everything you got in ToL + more, so it's a ToL replacement. According to the nexus site, requirements are SKSE, SkyUI (well, MCM atleast since you can get that without the rest if you use SkyUI Away), Dawnguard and Dragonborn

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Post » Fri May 10, 2013 1:44 pm

I'm liking it so far, though I'm a bit disappointed it doesn't change how much damage werewolves do.

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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Fri May 10, 2013 8:26 pm

Yeah but ToL uses scripts so you know we can't remove ToL for that reason. If I wanna make the switch to MT, I wanna know if the transition is possible.

Hmm well, its based on the vanilla scripts, so I'm willing to take a chance.

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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 12:35 am

They have some info about upgrading from ToL in the sticky on nexus forums, so sounds like the normal process works fine :)

Installation over Tales of Lycanthropy:
1): Uninstall Tales of Lycanthropy.
2): Launch Skyrim and load your save. Click yes on the pop up that complains for missing mod.
3): Now save your game. The important factor here is that it should not have ToL any more.
4): Exit the game and install Moonlight Tales.
5): Load the save that was created without ToL. Enjoy!

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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Fri May 10, 2013 11:59 pm

Been waiting for this, nice work!

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candice keenan
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Post » Fri May 10, 2013 3:36 pm

NM, I figured it out.

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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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