Will a breton with 50% magic resistance help with the vampires weakness to fire like the dunmers 50% fire resistance? I'm asking this because I'm tired of playing as a dunmer vampire and want to be a human.
Will a breton with 50% magic resistance help with the vampires weakness to fire like the dunmers 50% fire resistance? I'm asking this because I'm tired of playing as a dunmer vampire and want to be a human.
I want to play as a breton though plus i don't care for the enchantment perk tree much.
Ah, then yeah it's equal. 50% MR is 50% resist fire, frost and shock.
You get an extra 15% from a simple quest in Riften. That'll bring you to 65. I think the cap is 80%. EDIT: It's 85%. With the Alteration perks, or a few found enchantments, you can get to the cap.
good question, I would assume that if it's a fire spell then it would be the same but fire traps aren't magical. Also I would assume that dragons fire breath counts as magic since it does in lore and you can use wards to defend against shouts.
I was unaware of a magic resistance cap, I'm not denying it's true but now I'm curious and want to test it. I have a Nord vampire who hasn't fed so he has a 100% resistance to frost, 50 from stage 4 vamp and 50 from being Nord. I will try to find a frost dragon or ice wizard to see if they actually do damage.
This is good news i was tired of doing dunmer only vampires but with this info my breton will be just as good thank you.
It may work differently with special abilities like that. I'm interested in your results.