Even though I already have the game on Xbox, I was considering buying the game on PS3 simply for collectors purposes or something. If not then I plan on at least eventually buying that kick ass guide they are releasing for it. What about you guys?
Even though I already have the game on Xbox, I was considering buying the game on PS3 simply for collectors purposes or something. If not then I plan on at least eventually buying that kick ass guide they are releasing for it. What about you guys?
I play on ps3, while it's a bit more buggy than other consoles, it's lasted me years so it's reliable
I dont see the point, I have the game and all dlcs already
What is the point of a legendary edition for me? I have all of the DLCs I need.
I'll get it, for collecting purposes. I don't have Heartfire and I don't care about it, though I am really looking forward towards having Bran as a pet.
I'll buy it eventually. Probably when it goes on sale.
yep, got the game when it came out but my disk became unreadable after a month so now i have been waiting for this to come out.
I have all of the DLC's but Dragonborn so there's not point me getting the Legendary Edition
Doubt it. I already bought all the DLC.
I'm going to get legendary edition for pc so I can start modding. I have skyrim for xbox and dawnguard but that is all.
Doubtful. I have all the DLC for the PC version and the original Collector edition for the PS3 with Alduin on the word wall of power. Plus the CE hard cover strat guide.
Am so getting it. Been waiting for "this GOTY" edition for awhile. Never played it, but I've got a birthday coming up and my wife is going to get it for me.
I actually shook my head in disappointment.
I'm going to build me a new PC once I have the funds to do so, that'll be October-November at the earliest, so the Legendary Edition will be the best choice for me.
Depends on whether a steam summer sale works out cheaper than getting the legendary version or not.
i wont get it,Nothing special is included.
Does it come with anything for this collector's value or is it just to say you own both versions? I'll probably buy the final strategy guide just to see if I missed anything and because Bethesda game guides are always great reads that tend to add some extra background, I wouldn't know half as much about the denizens of Morrowind, Fallout 3, or New Vegas without them.
If it doesn't have anything extra no. No need to rebuy something I already have all of.
No point. Already have the game and all DLC. Why waste my money on a game I already have when I could use it on something else?
I already have the game and all DLC on X-Box, but I'll probably pick up the Legendary Edition so I have it for PC as well.