If I purchased the DLC "Dragonborn" let's say... Two years ago, beat it along with the rest of Skyrim, & THEN got the 1.9 botched patch that caused this debacle recently. I would have uninstalled Skyrim & moved on. Keeping whatever fond memories of this game I had & leaving it on a good note. But this is not the case. Being on a tight budget and spending $20 on DLC is a tough choice for me. Though being a huge fan of Skyrim, and at the time, thought it was a choice I was proud to make. Not knowing a short while later the game would become red-flagged flawed with the 1.9 bug and since it's been almost two months with no fix in sight, I'll take a quote from the show Arrested Development... "I've made a huge mistake."
The lip-sync/eye blinking problem falls under the immersion breaking category for some. And I don't mind if my character doesn't blink anymore in third-person nor if NPC's eyes flutter like they're about to have a stroke. But in my opinion, when talking to any NPC is 90% of the game. Skyrim itself is 90% broken.