I've heard from a certain individual *coughMark41cough*, that reinstalling everyrhting may or may not help. I just did that plus rebuilt the database and restored the file system, Solstheim is bearably laggy, and smooth once in a while, Skyrim is A FRICKIN MESS, but when it runs well its ok. So in general the game is still a mess. All my other games run fine, Dark Souls, Dishonored, GTA IV(GTA V will surely run better than Skyrim, which will prove Beth's sloppy coding), Demon's Souls, Red Dead Redemption and a whole Plethora of other games.
So correct me if I'm wrong, is this the order?
1. Install Game Data With Internet Disabled
2. Install Patch
3. Install DLC (I bought all three, but only dloaded DragoBorn)