First off, moderators, please don't lock this thread. I know future Fallout speculation usually goes into the "Fallout 4 Speculation, Suggestions and Ideas" thread. However this thread is on it's 120th edition and has turned into a discussion about wishlists, game mechanics and the good old dinosaurs versus newcomers debate we all know and love. Nothing resembling clue-based speculation anyway. So please do me a favor and keep this thread open, I don't want it to fade away in 10 minutes in the sheer amount of posts being added there. Thanks.
Anyway! I have found something odd in the Bethesda Store. Now this alone stands out, Fallout 3 came out in 2008, almost five years ago. Moreover, the Tunnel Snakes are not nearly as iconic and familiar to both casual and hardcoe FO fans as for example the NCR, Vault 101, Vault Boy or the Brotherhood of Steel. Even the other icons in the store are more recognizable; Mr Handy, Abraxo Cleaner, Sugar Bombs, Grognak the Barbarian, all were at least present in FO:NV. Not the Tunnel Snakes.
Not only is it for sale, it's even a hoodie (the only other hoodie has the Vault 101 logo) prized at a whopping $58.00. The Tunnel Snakes are not nearly as famous (or popular) as Caesar's Legion or the Enclave (which don't even get any merchandise at all), Beth has even invested in making it a hoodie instead of a much cheaper t-shirt.
Now perhaps the most important thing and the reason I created this thread, is the following: All of the logos and icons in the store are familiar. They are the exact same as presented in the games. Except for this one. the Tunnel Snakes logo on the hoodie is completely different from the There is even a small cobra pictured on the front of the hoodie, the in-game Tunnel Snakes never sported a cobra.
Why? Why would Beth go through the trouble of having an artist create a completely new logo for a minor, not all-that-popular gang present in just one game that came out almost five years ago? Why not put logo on the back, or Or even
The only explanation I can come up with is we might have not seen the end of the Tunnel Snakes yet. Let's for a second take these Boston rumors for the truth. Doctor Zimmer is from there and keeps blabbering about the Institute to anyone willing to listen in Rivet City. After completing Trouble on the Homefront, Butch DeLoria constantly hangs around the Muddy Rudder in Rivet City as well. It's not so strange to think these two might have met, and Butch might have learned of the Institute and the city of Boston.
What do you think? We know Beth is sneaky with their hints and clues. Am I reading too much into this? Am I onto something? Is it just random? Please discuss, and thanks for reading. (: