[WIPz] Haunting you (a haunted house mod durp)

Post » Sun May 12, 2013 8:48 pm

I am currently working on a haunted house mod and i thought I'd share so i might hear ideas from people who are interested.

It will be a house mod primarily with what i hope to be a decent haunting experience.

Don't expect a haunted house mod were you charge in, get a note from a corpse, follow a quest marker to a blue ghost in the basemant, kill it and uninstall my mod. I will be using so many cliches i fear it might be funny or scary. Some media that inspires me for this include the shining, poltergeist, ju-on, noroi, ringu, dark water, woman in black, The Blair witch project, Slenderman the arrival, F.e.a.r, Amnesia, Silent hill and Horror mod for morrowind.

The ideas but not specific ones that will give away exact details on where or how you might be haunted.

The house will be remote, further away from anything else the better.

The previous occupants and their lives will be revealed to you in a very fluid manner and the longer you live in the house the more you will experience thanks to a script that allows events to only take place during different times etc

I am making original objects for the house such as musical instruments and wooden dolls which i hope will make the home more 'lived in' and give insight into the old occupants lives.

During the day the house is yours pretty much, you should have the freedom to use all the houses utilities without fear of death, unless IM wrong then go for walk in the woods maybe.
During the night you will want to lock yourself in cupboard as thats when the nasties wake up and by making events as random as possible you wont know what to expect.

The lady of the house for instance can be hostile but she might rather cwtch with you.
She cries alot.

I have so little understanding of scripting but i finally have enough working scripts ( thanks to justinother and spookyfx.com and tutorials)

to make most of the events i want possible but I have one tiny thing left to add to my script and thats to make the script unavailable for sometime after its used to aviod the same thing being triggered over and over again so if you have any scripting knowledge i would love your help with that here http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1458490-how-to-make-scheduled-sound/.

That aside if you have any ideas that you think will cause people to crap their pants please let me know.

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Monika Fiolek
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