I just looked into this family for some lore reasons and came across this
.... this family scares me way more now
I just looked into this family for some lore reasons and came across this
.... this family scares me way more now
Join Hevnoraak and well destroy their incisteral behinds
Lazy writing is what I rekon
Uesp does say it is just incorrect dialogue
That's why you don't use the Elder Scrolls wikia.
The dialogue is a bug, Maven is Ingun and Sibbi's grandmother.
such bad dialog to mess up on a very important character
i mean... eewwwwwww
Take anything that wiki says with your weight in salt.
...it's "with a grain of salt".
What you're suggesting is that it's got a lot of credibility.
I know its with a grain of salt. And that suggests the opposite which is why I said your weight instead of a grain.
"To take a statement with 'a grain of salt' or 'a pinch of salt' means to accept it but to maintain a degree of skepticism about its truth."
The grain is the little degree of skepticism.
By saying take it with your weight in salt, I'm saying have a LOT of skepticism.
This is where you shold look: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Maven_Black-Briar
I think it's less a case of incist and more a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand was doing when the game was in development, which is probably apt to a lot more than just this.