Two Questions : Load Doors, and PlaceAtMe

Post » Sun May 12, 2013 6:37 pm

Two (hopefully) quick questions :

1) Is there a way to tell if a Door is a Load Door? I've tried looking for the attached ref to see if there is another door attached, but apparently that does not work since both load doors and none load doors still trigger my script.

2) Is there a way to place something X units ahead of the Player? It needs to be directly ahead of the PC for what I want. In Oblivion, you could use PlaceAtme([Object], [Count], [Distance]) but apparently this functionality doesn't exist for Skyrim, since the Wiki just says that it places it AT the caller's position, which is no good for what I want to do.

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chirsty aggas
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Post » Mon May 13, 2013 4:20 am

You need to use SetPosition() after placing it, and use the player's details to choose the position. That's explained on the wiki.
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kiss my weasel
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Post » Sun May 12, 2013 8:06 pm

Auto-load doors:
FormList Property kFLST Auto ; AutoLoadDoor01, AutoLoadDoorHiddenMinUse01, AutoLoadDoorMinUse01...	Bool bIsAutoLoadDoor = kFLST.HasForm(kSomeDoorRef.GetBaseObject())...
Frontal Lobotomy Bottle Infrontame:
Float Property fDistance = 60.0 Auto...	ObjectReference kBottle = PlayerREF.PlaceAtMe(AltoWine, 1, False, True)	kBottle.MoveTo(PlayerREF, Math.Sin(PlayerREF.GetAngleZ()) * fDistance, Math.Cos(PlayerREF.GetAngleZ()) * fDistance, PlayerREF.GetHeight() - fDistance)	kBottle.Enable()...
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Nathan Hunter
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