The Alchemists Thread. (Unofficial, of course)

Post » Mon May 13, 2013 11:48 am

I thought I'd make a thread so people could share potions recipes, and other things such as which ingredients are cheaper and where to find them in large abundances. Am I the only one that never remembers recipes when I'm playing a different character...?

Beneficial potions in green, poisons in red.

Here's a couple of simpler potions I use when I'm starting out a character:

As for finding ingredients, I find Thistle Branch next to the roads around southern and central Skyrim, in particular the road from Whiterun to Falkreath or the Reach. Also, things like Wheat can (obviously) be found on farms. People tend not to mind, which is helpful.

Also, for Nirnroot, there's Sarethi Farm, where a certain couple of Dunmer grow the Nirnroot. The farm is between Riften and Ivarstead. The farm also has a great abundance in other alchemical ingredients, so it's invaluable.

Post any advice you're willing to share on Alchemy here!

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Breanna Van Dijk
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