Spell duration woes

Post » Mon May 13, 2013 12:39 am

I'm having trouble with a spell. It's a constant effect Script archetype Lesser Power spell, and I want it to last 10 seconds. The effect lasts 10 seconds, because SkyUI shows the effect on the Hud. However, the spell can be cast again after a couple of seconds which is a really bad thing.

How can I make it so my spell can only be cast every 10 seconds? It seems no matter what I try it doesn't work lol.

Thanks guys :)

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kirsty williams
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Post » Mon May 13, 2013 4:25 am

What do you mean by constant effect, but it only lasts 10 seconds? Wouldn't it be fire/forget since you're casting a lesser power to activate it?

Also, did you try something simple like...

scriptname testaaa extends activemagiceffectSPELL Property MyCoolPower AutoMagicEffect Property MyCoolEffect AutoEvent OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)    if akTarget.HasMagicEffect(MyCoolEffect)        ;do nothing - play a message or something    else        MyCoolPower.Cast(akTarget)    endIfendEvent
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