I am sure this topic has been brought up lots of times before.
My first time just recently was at level 85, levelup in check for level 86 got my charcater brutally killed after a looooooooong fought and vicious battle.
Just as I expected.
Second time, tried to keep him at bay to negate the advantage of his ebony health drain sword, I used mainly Unrelenting Force and my Dragonbone bow and arrows.
It worked pretty well but I soon gave up, hit him with Marked for Death and he went down much more easily though it still wasn't easy and not without a huge struggle.
Great fight and I particularly like how he has all the advantages of the Dragonborn, great gear with elemental damage resist, Shouts, is highly skilled/does great damage, has magic, has healing, both enchanted regen, Restoration spell and his enchanted sword and potions.
Hopefully some extremely dense people will realize that this how it would be for regular enemies to fight the Dragonborn.
Just as the Dragonborn is, the Ebony Warrior is strong, powerful and extremely skilled, far above the likes of mere mortals.
I have to say that I enjoy all the boss fights in Skyrim. Alduin, Lord Harkon, Miraak and now the Ebony Warrior.
Much more of a challenge than say in Morrowind and Oblivion.
Crazy deity wannabe and the aspect of Hircine and Jyggalag being the obvious exceptions of course.
Since I mainly don't care about combat, fighting and boss fights being a roleplayer/explorer at heart this is quite a feat Bethsesda has managed.
Next challenge that lies ahead: Karstaag and I remember the fight in Bloodmoon so I expect he will be much stronger in Skyrim.
Looking forward to it.
Onwards, to glory!