Simple, who is your favorite? didnt include Babette because shes a vampire. only normal kids.
Mine are: Sissel, Mila, Aventus Aretino, Svari.
Most kids were annoying, but some of them were actually kind to the Dragonborn.
Simple, who is your favorite? didnt include Babette because shes a vampire. only normal kids.
Mine are: Sissel, Mila, Aventus Aretino, Svari.
Most kids were annoying, but some of them were actually kind to the Dragonborn.
Braith is definitely the worst for obvious reasons.
I'd go with Babette, but instead Aventus Aretino.
Can't vote...
Favorite is Babette
I use the console command and disable the rest as I meet them.
I think you mean Braith, but I never found her all that bad, Balgruuf's children are by far the worst and you missed out Nelkir, who is by far my least favourite 'another wanderer here to lick my father's boots'. I also hate Britte, as she is a really nasty bully. I do like Mila and Sissel, though the OP has missed loads of children, like lucia, dorthe and the rest of the Hearthfire DLC added ones.
I missed them on purpose, didn't want the poll to get complicated. ill add some more perhaps.
Oh you Meanie! What's wrong with Mila? Sure her dialogue can get a little annoying as she splurts it at you whenever you pass, but that holds true for any NPC surely? She isn't rude or nasty and is a condescending ass like nazeen is, what has she done to warrent your hatred and how is she in any way worse than 'Another wanderer here to lick my father's boots?'
I like Sissel, poor girl is abused by her father and sister. Svari from Solitide is also really nice.
Braith is probably the worst, along with the children at Dragonsreach.
Your poll needs a None/All option:
Favorite: None
Most Annoying: All.
All Children are worthy of my teachings. Under my guidance, and the blessing of Alduin, they will grow up to be powerful and wise.
How do you guys remember who all these kids are? i only remember Aventus Aretino...
Favorite Children:
Annoying Child:
Babette isn't a child. She is a old lady "trapped" in a child's body.
Be that as it may, you can't have a "fav child" poll without her. Otherwise, the poll is moot to may members.
... myself included.