It's not a Bethesda issue, it's a Sony/Microsoft issue and what they will or won't allow.
Until or unless the companies have some way to control the content, I doubt it will ever happen. There are also issues of compatibility and capability. Without offense intended, there are mods out made for the pc that would be a really bad idea to try to run on a console. Who would be responsible for making sure the mods don't conflict with each other? Who deals with mods that accidentally break quests? Let alone the issues with content; I don't think either Sony or Microsoft would allow a "killable kids" mod, or the torture chamber mod, or the Michael Jackson with kids mod, or, well, you get the idea.
Oh please. I know that the PS3 can't handle much more, but Microsoft was on board for other peoples content? Right.
No one is talking about which console is better.
This, basically.
When console manufacturers and Bethesda can come up with a solution that gives them the kind of control they want/need and assuming the consoles -at the time- can handle them performance wise, mods are a possibility.
Until then.. a pipe dream.
Yes, them. They live! You need a special pair of sunglasses to see them though (all the employees of Microsoft really look like Bill Gates!).
I think MS will try to keep console modding down so people would still be buying gaming PCs. That's what I'd do, consoles are catching up on PC gaming so they need something to give advantage to the PC market since that MS's main source of revenue. But that's just a guess.
Welcome to the forums!
Todd says a lot of things, and not all of them turn out to be true. Particularly stuff he says to hype a game before it's released.
Edit: Just saw you joined before I did... So...
Welcome to actually posting on the forums!
Smaller mods would be fine, ones that a third party could certify for MS, but the bigger ones would never make it for this gen consoles, they would go boom.
I'm not really fussed about mods on consoles. You wouldn't be able to create mods unless you had a decent PC, and if you had a decent PC you wouldn't be playing on the console.
Perhaps you didn't see the Moderator post shortly before yours. It appears you're wrong.
I'd be curious to see your sources for that. It's a strange thing to think of Microsoft being on board for that. Iirc, Microsoft had said they wanted to stop making the Xbox because gaming is bad for child obesity. (Doesn't make it true, does it)
As for Todd Howard's comment about mods. Didn't he say something about he'd like to see that happen? Just because the guy was fantasizing in an interview doesn't mean it will or should happen. As others have said it's up to the companies like Microsoft or Playstation whether they want to make their systems capable of such things. (Their marketplaces and the game systems themselves) Bethesda can hope for all they want, doesn't make it happen.
I'm surprised she didn't lock it. That is usually the closing comment.
Maybe she just missed the "lock" button. These threads almost always never make it to far into the first page.
"Mods" for console are called DLC that Bethesda makes themselves to give for free or to sell it.