Shouldn't we have greater emphasis on content mods

Post » Tue May 14, 2013 7:33 am

Wheeze brought this point up earlier

That it takes content rather than retextures, animation tweaks, and boob mods to extend the longevity and gameplay value of Skyrim.
Yet these mods are pretty woefully under represented by the community.

I think the issue is: the only people really qualified to give a thorough reviews of content mods are other modders.
Afterall, anyone can write a review about retextures, animations, and briast mods because those never have anything under the hood.

And most modders are too busy with their own mods to do reviews. And none of them are willing to dedicate themselves to just doing reviews.
So a community effort seems to be the only viable solution.

Who here would be willing to take time out of their busy modding schedule to submit reviews of other mods? Even if its just a single review once every two weeks to a month.
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Wayne W
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 4:13 am

What's wrong with letting people do what they want with their copy of the game they bought and uploading it in case others are interested in the same things they are?

Yes, I think there is an overabundance of skimpy armors. But that's like, my opinion, dude.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 5:39 am

it's weird isn't it? there's SO MANY mods for skyrim, yet oblivion had waaaay more content mods. and there was no shortage of boob mods back then either :D

I think we're going to see a lot more now that the game is finished though, it seems modders who had big plans preferred to wait until the patching stopped.

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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 12:40 am

Every time I go on Youtube it recommends that I watch a certain Skyrim mod weekly review type thing, and every. single. thumbnail of every single episode of this review has a chick in a skimpy bikini.

Every time I go on Youtube I die a little on the inside.

I've brought up this point before and am always almost instantly shot down with people saying things mostly like, "A quest mod that adds 2 hours of gameplay alters 2 hours of my gameplay experience. A texture/weapon/boob/etc mod that altars generic aspects of gameplay, like combat, altars hundreds of hours of my experience, and therefor is more important and I pay more attention to it and go away."

It makes me sad. :(

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