So we all know that there is no more DLC for Skyrim, so this would be for the next installment of the Elder Scrolls. We have seen some of the different planes of daedra throughout Oblivion and Skyrim, and with the, in my opinion outstanding depiction of Hermaeus Mora's Apocrypha, it got me thinking about what we might see in the future. So since we've been to Mehrune's Deadlands, Peryite's Pits, Boethia's Realm, and Sheogorath's Shivering Isles in Oblivion, as well as Sanguine's Misty Grove (thought it's only one of supposedly thousands of planes that make up his realm), and Apocrypha, those will be omitted from the poll. Molag Bal's Coldharbour will also be omitted as we will be seeing lots of it in ES:O. Here are short descriptions of each realm (pulled from various wiki sources):
Malacath's Ashpits
The realm mostly consists only of dust, palaces of smoke, and vaporous creatures; anguish, betrayal, and broken promises like ash fill the bitter air. Few mortals manage to reach the realm, where levitation and magical breathing are necessary to survive.
Azura's Moonshadow
Moonshadow is a realm of Oblivion, created and ruled over by Azura, the Daedric Prince of Twilight. The realm is so beautiful that visiting mortals are half-blinded. The realm contains flowers and waterfalls, majestic trees, and a city of silver. The wind smells of perfume, and the realm is known to have rain. Azura lives in a rose palace, and is welcoming to mortal travellers.
Hircine's Hunting Grounds
It has been described as a realm of dense woodland and vast grasslands populated by werebears and wild cattle. It is full of endless mazes inhabited by vicious creatures such as bears, wolves, werecreatures, and Daedra. Any mortals who deign to enter this realm are hunted down by the inhabitants. During the daylight hours, werebears and fierce Nords stalk the land in their continual Hunt. When the sun sinks below the horizon, Hircine announces himself with a pack of werewolves to take his turn in the cycle.
Nocturnal's Evergloam
The Evergloam is a realm of Oblivion, created and ruled over by Nocturnal, the Daedric Prince of Shadow. It is the realm of perpetual twilight, and the cradle of shadow. The Shade Perilous is a section of the realm coveted by many daedric clans. (Not much explanation is found on this realm, although the very nature of the realm makes this understandable. Yes, we kind of saw it in Skyrim, but not to a full extent)
Clavicus Vile's Realm
Clavicus Vile's Realm is a realm of Oblivion, created and ruled over by Clavicus Vile, the Daedric Prince of Wishes. It appears as a tranquil countryside, dotted with majestic cities of glass and ornate buildings. The city of Umbriel was once a part of the realm, but was eventually severed and came to rest in an unnamed realm of Oblivion.
Vaermina's Quagmire
Quagmire is a realm of Oblivion, created and ruled over by the Daedric Prince of Nightmare, Vaermina. It is a realm of horrors, where reality shifts upon itself in seemingly impossible ways. Every few minutes, lightning flashes and the realm morphs into a terrifying scene, each one more frightening than the last.
The next three realms have little to no description as to what they are like (that I could find), as it is generally explained that mortals have no knowledge of these realms. Still, that doesn't mean we aren't able to visit them. Instead I shall give a brief description of the daedric prince itself, to get an idea of what their realm might be like.
Meridia's Colored Rooms
Meridia, Lady of Infinite Energies, is an obscure Daedric Prince, and very little is known about her by mortals except that she is associated with the energies of living things. Meridia has a great and everlasting hatred for the undead and will greatly reward any who eliminate them from the world. Some Daedra Seducers are also in her service. Her realm is inhabited by the Aurorans.
Mephala's Web
As known in the West, Mephala is the demon prince of murder, six, and secrets. All of these themes contain subtle aspects and violent ones (assassination/genocide, courtship/orgy, tact/poetic truths); Mephala is understood paradoxically to contain and integrate these contradictory themes. Mephala's Web is the plane of Oblivion for Mephala. Inaccessible to mortals, the realm of Mephala is believed by most to be intricate and woven together like a web, as that seems to be what she rules over as a Lord.
Namira's Scuttling Void
Namira, or Namiira, the Lady of Decay, is the Daedric Prince whose sphere is the ancient darkness. She is known as the Spirit Daedra, ruler of sundry dark and shadowy spirits, and is often associated with spiders, insects, slugs, and other repulsive creatures which inspire mortals with an instinctive revulsion. Namira also appears to be associated with beggars and the beggaring gifts of disease, pity and disregard. Her realm, the Scuttling Void, is an eternal dimension about which little is known other than its name.
So what realm would you like to see depicted next, and/or which one do you think may have the potential for an intriguing storyline? Personally, I would love to either see Azura's Moonshadow or Vaermina's Quagmire. Blindingly beautiful rose palaces as well as nightmarish realms of horror sound really fascinating to me. What are your thoughts?