Loading screen won't load, music still plays, objects still

Post » Tue May 14, 2013 12:32 pm

Ok, I thought I was just running into some bad luck, but what is going on? My game is freezing at least 2-3 times a day in the loading screen, or at least not loading. The music still plays, smoke still drifts (or fog), and the object if there is one still can rotate but the game never loads. This happens anywhere randomly. Entering a city-home, entering a built home, entering a city, entering a fort, entering "Skyrim", reloading saved games....pretty much any time a loading screen is present, I've gotten to the point where it won't load.

This didn't happen to me too much before the patch and DLC, but now it is happening very frequently. I just went home for lunch so I could eat and play some Skyrim. Had the loading screen freeze on me twice in 20 minutes.

So I'll give some basic info.
  • this happens for various characters
  • savefile sizes right now are 8, 7, and 6 MB
  • the characters are all different styles
  • PS3 Model is CECHH01
  • Playing time can vary from a few minutes to a couple hours before freeze
  • PS3 is at nominal operating temperature
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 12:52 pm

This is most often due to autosave on travel.

Do you have autosaves turned on? try turning it off for traveling.

That aside, try loading a save, waiting 30 in-game days, then saving into a new slot.

Also from the xmb delete all existing autosaves.
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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 3:44 am

Autosaves are only enabled on wait, not travelling.

I'll try the 30 days thing, but is there anyway to wait longer than 24 hours at a time?
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 12:55 pm

I found that this happened to me often until I enabled the autosave on travel. Since then I haven't gotten 1 crash. Only crash I had was entering a book in dragonborn and even though the game crashed the autosave was still there.
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A Boy called Marilyn
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 9:21 am

The only way to wait longer is to threaten your kid brother to keep restarting the wait function for you.

You might also try clearing any 'quick & easy' stuff from your quest log.

Well thats Skyrim on PS3 I guess: one man's trash is another man's crash.

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oliver klosoff
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Post » Mon May 13, 2013 11:39 pm

- I am the kid brother and I'm 30...

Yeh my new character has a pretty clean quest log. Only about 5-6 quests, plus about 10-15 misc. The other characters are like 10-15 quests with another 20-40 misc.

Ehh, either way I'll go through them and try clearing those up.
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 5:42 am

Dang, wish I had a kid brother.
Playing Skyrim on the PS3 takes a great deal of patience, something most gamers have in thimblefuls. I have only one, original character and my save files went to 16 meg when I installed the DLC. Sometimes the loading screen takes over a minute. Are you waiting that long? I have to hit Save twice and count --usually up to 12, but once up to 20. I have all auto saves off, for over a year now.

Haven't had a hard freeze since resuming 4 days ago, but creeping lag after playing 6 hours straight.
Horrible, inexcusable, I know but Skyrim is still worth all of it, to me.

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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 3:10 am

Am I waiting that long?

I've gone upstairs to the kitchen to make a sandwich, say hello to the wife, play with my kid, let the dog out...

come back and it's still where I left it.
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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Mon May 13, 2013 9:09 pm

After the freezing goes away, or loading a previous save make new save files and delete and old ones from XMB bar.

If that not helps, you must considering doing a "Rebuilding Database" and then maybe install the whole game again...
(I don't know in what condition is your console anyway...) I know that's not an excuse but try something out to make your game playable again.

Considering your console is in good shape more or less, the biggest problem here is the game anyway. Tell us if something work's out for you. !!!!
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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 7:31 am

I didn't see your reply until the other night and tried this. Still having issues.

- All new save files

- Reinstalled game and DLC

- Only autosave during rest (since that never causes a loading screen except for only a couple of instances)

My console is in great shape. Cleaned regularly at least twice a month, use an external cooler when the cooling fans aren't cooling sufficiently (Skyrim almost never causes this), had the BRD replaced due to a mechanical breakage of a device that engages the disc to spin or something with no problems since.

I do have an upgraded harddrive (320 GB from 40 GB).

I do have a lot of music on my machine, roughly 25 full albums of various artists plus about 30 extra songs. Only a couple of videos. I use multiple streaming services (Netflix, MLB, NHL, Laugh Factory, Qriocity, Hulu). None of those run though when playing games since the PS3 doesn't support it (which I'm thankful for, it focuses on gaming power).

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