[help] Any tuts on messing with skeleton.nif?

Post » Tue May 14, 2013 7:28 am

I'm looking for some useful information of how to mess about with the different bones/nodes(?) in the skeleton.nif file. For example: something like rotating the two handed weapon node so it's the other way round, duplicating nodes and also maybe moving them about so I could make something along the lines of a belt fastened quiver. (not sure if 'node' is the correct word.)

Now, I know there are plenty of mods out there that do these kinds of things, but I want to learn how to do it myself and was hoping that someone might point me in the right direction so that I don't have to learn entirely though trail and error.

Lastly, is this kind of thing done entirely in nifskope or can it be done in something like 3ds max? 'cause I did try it in max and when I exported it (using the niftools plugin) and opened it in nifskope the skeleton wasn't there.



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