Epic Length dungeon crawls quests

Post » Tue May 14, 2013 2:31 am

Hey guys, im looking for a large dungeon crawl, im talking "mines of moria" scale or larger, something that would take multiple days, and require several companions to haul out all the loot, any suggestions?

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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 6:52 am

How I miss the tools that we had back in Morrowind days, and modding was generally a lot easier.

There was one that let modders create randomly generated dungeons of any level, and because of that we had several 100 level dungeons, randomly generated, and manually tweaked, with progressively increasing level of danger vs loot, as we descended into their depths.

And also other mods that interconnected those huge dungeon complexes into each other, and a lot of vanilla dungeons and caverns, with massive caverns, corridors, underground cities and labyrinths, that spanned the entire land of Vvardenfell.

Other mods added life and quest lines to those places, and so on...

Those were the days, sigh. :spotted owl:

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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 6:59 am

I hear ya buddy, some of the best dungeon crawls ive ever played were in morrowind, and thats counting dedicated dungeon crawl games =P, oh well, guess ill just download a crap ton of quest mods.

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