Hey all.
I'm trying to make a pair of custom companions. I'm using: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1011099-tutz-companionfollower-tutorial/
I started one, Catherine, one of my alternate lone wanderers.
It all seemed to go smoothly, but now i'm testing her none of the commands actually seem to work, the 'follow me' option seems to only even appear when it wants to.
And the second issue, is her body skintone not matching her face. I've heard that ESMifying her will fix this in the long run, but I want to be able to edit her appearance easily, which would then eman swapping back to ESP if I even wanted to change her hair. Sorted with FO3Plugin.
Please could i get some troubleshooting help? Everything starts with 'aaCath' for ease, and she is stood in Moriarty's with clovers/a pink dress on.
Note that I don't need it fixing, please, I need information on what I did wrong and can do to fix it. Else, i'll make the mistakes with the next one.
As I don't see the ability to upload files, I uploaded it and also asked for help here also; http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/993130-help-with-my-custom-companion/?p=8045248