Leveling up Speech

Post » Tue May 14, 2013 8:43 am

I can see the interest, but is it worth spending 3 perks to use a... glitch?
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 1:03 pm

Sell a weapon or armour worth 1,000,000.
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Flesh Tunnel
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 5:30 pm

For me, a definite YES

For others, maybe No. You gotta love diversity.

Heck, Im the only one on this forum who has Treasure Hunter perk! Why? Cos it works for me :)

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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 5:13 am

And that is the most important part, for sure. :tops:

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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 6:58 am

what treasure hunter perk. I choose all of the left side of speech perks and I havent ever seen this.
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jennie xhx
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 2:01 pm

It's in the Lockpicking Tree. He is the only only in the forum to take that perk because he is probably the only one in the forum that use that tree. :D

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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 2:38 am

I used to always get the lockpicking perks. I havent for a few months though.
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 4:49 pm

Go down some holes, kill monsters, sell your loot back at the city.
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Lady Shocka
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 3:52 am

The Treasure Hunter perk is in the often neglected and over-looked Lock-Picking Skill Tree. Most folk think the tree is a complete absolute waste of time... and I would agree with them, IF it wasnt for the Treasure Hunter Perk.

It increases the chance of finding more 'special items' in random loot during my dungeon crawling expeditions. Seeing as most of my characters don't use much enchanting I rely heavily on finding powerful magical items and weapons to use.

Again I have firsthand experience with this perk and can say that it does work a treat, I find ALOT more treasures which makes the dungeon crawl seem more satisfying and an accomplishment. Before I found out about this perk I was always so disappointed in fighting through a whole barrow full of nasty Draugh and fiendisg traps only to be rewarded with a steel warhammer and handful of gold coins in the Master lock chest at the end of the dungeon. This perk turns it around :) Works for me :)

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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 4:21 am

Actually, it's spending 3 perks to fix a glitch (or at least work around one).

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Chris Johnston
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 12:01 pm

This is true :)

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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 4:14 pm

I need a little more than that.

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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 2:08 pm

I also use it/plan to use it more. I use more perks now that it didn't before since the legendary skill patch. I am also having a good time using speech. Who wants to sell items for 20% value and buy them for 200% value? That gap can eventually be closed to 95% and 105% (I think). I used to think money was easy to get (which it is still...), but after I stopped powergaming so much (fast traveling between cities selling to many merchants) I have found money much more valuable and enjoyable to earn. I have 35 hours on my current character and the most money I have had at one was 10k. I also found a good use for money is to use it to level up speech as I was planning to say, I wandered off topic because I felt the need to tell someone of my recent re-immersion into Skyrim...

Without using fortify restoration, you can sell expensive items to merchants, buy them back, then sell them again. You will loose money depending on your speech skill and fortify barter effects, but this is the fastest way without fortify restoration. Doing this with expensive potions/poisons (slow, paralysis, damage magicka regen) is an easy way. Wearing fortify barter enchantments (thieves guild hood, jester/ciceros clothes, any necklace) and using a barter potion helps a lot, as it raises the price you sell items for and lowers the prices you buy for.

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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 7:59 am

Thats what i do when i reach the appropriate level but as others have said if your a low level sell everything

but now my high characters dont even loot corpses anymore cause whats the point when i can sell 3 or 4 potions an thats it 750 gone not to mention most ingredients are cheap not all but most are an with heart fire its even easier

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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 8:49 am

You may consider the Thieve's Guide quest line as well. It takes a while, but after you rebuild the guild and its connections in the major cities, the guild's fence has a very, very large pile of cash for buying goods. I was selling double enchanted, legendary gear to her. It was the only time that I got the market value for such items (including some dragon plate gear). It'll take a while to do the TG quest but that's all the more fun, right?

I just don't like playing a thief, otherwise, that would be the first major quest I'd finish with a PC (even before the main quest).

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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 6:34 pm

Merchant is one of the most useful perks in the tree... Being able to sell any item to any merchant is an amazing utility, as you don't have to worry about not having a merchant in the town to sell your expensive potion/staff/sword to because there isn't a buyer of that type of merchandise in town. It is also required for the investor/fence/master trader perks, so I would consider that worth it since I usually don't like doing to much of the thieves guild to get fences to sell my stolen items to. If you don't have any use for the money, I suppose that perks focused on earning money would be useless. I myself have found use for money though.

Also a recent glitch that was introduce in 1.9 is worth noting. If you legendary reset speech after taking the fence perk, you can sell stolen items to ANY merchant, even ones you have not or cannot invest in, even if your skill is now at 15 and you don't have the perk. I don't know if legendary resetting it is specifically the trigger, but another person on a wiki talk page had the same experience as me. Ignore, a bit misleading as I am not sure of exact trigger of bug. I might test this some myself.

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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 7:57 am

i have it on my thief an assassin mainly cause of golden touch before it

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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 11:18 am

I was referring to the aforementioned interest for an Alchemist and how it fixed a glitch.

I understand what the perk does, even though I still question the reasoning of the tree, aside from roleplaying. Simply because there is a bottomless pit of wealth to be acquired from anywhere in the game to start with.

I usually bank perk points and take them as a "need to use" basis. Thus, there has always been a more needed perk.

Just one of the "never needed" aspects of the game for me. A few are... Lockpicking Tree, Speach Tree and Stamina.

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