Why Bethesda? God why?
I really wanted to use this shout on my new Fire mage character, but now I have to join a bunch on burly primitives to accomplish it? Whyyyyyyy
Why Bethesda? God why?
I really wanted to use this shout on my new Fire mage character, but now I have to join a bunch on burly primitives to accomplish it? Whyyyyyyy
How does your character know that specific word wall is there?
Ah, once again, the player is forced into something again. Seriously, I completely agree. This is quite unfair.
Trust me, the only shouts you ever need would be Fus Ro Dah and Marked for Death. Yol Toor Shul, according to some players, is one of the many useless shouts, if I heard correctly.
PS3 player.
Also I agree, the shout is rather useless in its original form.
However, getting http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Meditations_On_The_Words_Of_Power combined with Augmented Flames, http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Dragonborn:Ahzidal_(item), and http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Dragonborn_Flame makes it passable.
Unfortunately. I wish they'd let us go into that dungeon without the quest - it doesn't make sense like it does with Saarthal. Or at the very least, put a less important Word in Dustman's Cairn.
I wished you gain shouts from fighting certain Dragons, I mean that's how they get their power...off their brethren and absorb their essence. instead I get...a point to unlock a word, um wheres the knowledge? the Power? the stat boosts? many of the word walls as I've said before are memorials some barely using the word you learn in context with how its used in the shouts. I'd of loved it in all kinds of shapes and forms if the word walls just have a grand comprehensive history of the area/dungeon/dragon priest/events that occurred during its inception to give me more reason to dungeon dive rather than being what they are now.
use them as a means to an end. i RP that my mage reads lots of books
It is one of the most stupidest things that really irks me about this game.
There is a... "glitch" that you could "exploit"...
If none or only one of the words of the shout Fire Breath is known when you first approach Paarthurnax at the Throat of the World, and you have a dragon soul in stock, you can use the soul to learn the newly found word on the wall before Paarthurnax unlocks it for you. This results in the "soul" from Paarthurnax teaching you the next word of the shout. This way you can learn two words of the shout at the same time.
That's kind of like for my current character, who is just doing the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood storylines, had to join the College of Winterhold in order to get one of the "Unusual Gems" for the No Stone Unturned quest... but I just RP'd that when he heard the College was trying to expore Saartha he wanted to get into Saarthal since it was just uncovered after being unexplored since the 1st Era... "the loot" my character thought...
Could RP that your mage character wants to show the Companions that magic is not be ignored... then never look back after getting the word.