Hey everyone, quick question. I've searched and searched, but I can't seem to find the answer to this. How exactly does Raul's Regular/Full Maintenance perk work? Does it take 50/75% gun condition penalty off of only the base condition penalty, or does it take in Hand Loader ammo into account? Say I'm using .45-70 Gov't SWC ammo. It has a 3.00x Condition Penalty. Does the perk work like this: Base CP(Condition Penalty)=1 * 3.00CP SWC Ammo * .5 = 1.50CP total? Or like this: 1BaseCP * .5 * 3.00CP SWC Ammo * .5 = .75CP total? The first one is the perk applied after all CP has been figured, which the perk then takes 50% off of. The second is the perk applying towards all equipment used, including ammo, so it halves both items used then multiplies them together. Am I totally wrong and its completely different? Please educate me.
Also, does the perk work for the Courier's entire party, including Raul himself? It would be nice to be able to give him SWC ammo with the Brush Gun and watch him pwn. If companion's equipment doesn't degrade, please tell me. Otherwise, I've had Boone lose a few Sniper Rifles and Veronica lose a Superheated Saturnite Fist, and they were fighting lowly mobs that could have no way hit the weapons hard enough for them to break.
PLEASE HELP! All (helpful) input is appreciated! Cheers!