Dialogue Scene Action, Make Shared Info (help!)

Post » Wed May 15, 2013 4:06 am

I have painstakingly created new dialogues in a scene. I have created several Dialogue scene actions, converted fuz files to wavs and renamed the files so my player can say the lines. Taken ages and only part way through.

Unfortunately, I just realized that I need these same lines for other scenes in my quest. The easiest thing to do would be to share the dialogue for reuse. But when I right click and click 'make shared info'. Nothing seems to happen. Is there something I'm missing, should I 'move to topic'? 'Replicate topic' or 'create info stack'?

It was relatively easy to make a topic shared when I create a dialogue in dialogue views. I just right clicked and selected 'make shared info'. The dialogue would have a <> in front of it. But this doesn't happen with my scene dialogue.

I really hope I do not have recreate all the dialogues just so I can make them shared :'(

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Julia Schwalbe
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