Im having some problems from an RP point of view with my newwest character, a female Orc battlemage necromancer vampire. As with all of my characters I have a background story for each of them but when I thought about making this character I had the nordic ruins of Skyrim in my mind and the draugr inside.
Maybe it was poor thinking but I ask you, if you had this character:
Female Orc
battlemage necromancer
one hand
heavy armor
WHY would a female Orc battlemage necromancer (which became a vampire willingly to enhance her dark powers) come to Skyrim ?
My plans are to join the DB and the Volkihar vampires, but I find it hard to have a main purpose for this character like I have with my main character (Nord Warrior who is dragonborn) and my Khajiit Thief/Smuggler
So any RPers can help?