I'm in Shroud Hearth Barrow fighting the Draugr Wight Overlord, and I want to check something. Is it completely normal for enemies to not be affected - multiple times even - by Unrelenting Force? My shout comes out, sound effects and visuals, and now and then it seems to work...but repeatedly, and frustratingly, many times this guy keeps coming at me, he doesn't stagger at all. I only have the first word, but why does he stagger only some of the time, but many times the shout has no effect? Same with shield bashing, he completely ignores it! Sometimes things go fine, but others it's as if I'm made of thin air...then he hits me with his great sword through thin air (I note Oblivion had the same screwy hit boxes where you can't hit them if you're standing in their face, but they can hit you from metres away)! No combat mods installed, and nothing that affects shouts.