I been playing some less known Open World games and found this game called "Two Worlds 2", at first it looked kinda mediocre since the Character Meshes, Textures and Lip Sync look real bad... like something out of 2004 or older (Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines has all this much much better), anyway as i played through the game i noticed few things i wish Skyrim had implemented, the first thing i noticed is that the Hero "hair" seems to have some sort of physics, yes you read right PHYSICS not just some Skeleton/Animation trick, the second thing that brought my attention was that the Grass, Bushes and Trees seems to have some sort of Physics since they move as if you were pushing them as you pass, it that was great!
After a couple minutes of gameplay i was allowed to wander and i noticed few BIRDS flying and landing in the ground!! (very nice) and found this EXTREMELY BEAUTIFUL cliff were you could see the ocean with ACTUAL WAVES! i threw myself into the ocean and noticed few fishes and other creatures, it was really cool!
As i played further i saw a NPC wearing a Cloak that was physics enabled and yet again not an animation trick! it was physics 100% and finally noticed that the was game was using PhysX, guess i did not payed to much attention when the game was installing but it seems Two Worlds 2 heavily uses PhysX, which is cool i guess.
So this "Two Worlds 2" actually have some of the things i was expecting and wanting from Skyrim, but i have not played that further but what i saw was AMAZING, there are some drawbacks in this title like i did not noticed any Weather System, Textures are HORRIBLE and Character meshes looks somewhat old... it also it svcked that i was stuck to that Boring Hero with little customizations for appearance, race and gender but i guess the story is unfolds about that character like in "The Witcher".
I have not played that long but the story also seems ok, not bad but not boring either, maybe it will become better as i play?
If i were to compare it with Skyrim i would say that Skyrim Looks Better, Feels much more alive but some things and lack of features make Skyrim look rather mediocre, it is post 2010 and Bethesda can′t get the water to act "right"... oh yes! they can make the water look nice but seriously a flat mesh with an animated shader is all we get from Bethesda? the ocean has no waves and the rivers do not flow as it is supposed to? aw COME ON BETHESDA!
Havok: 6
Graphics 8
Textures 8
Weather Engine: 8
Art: 10
Character Apperance Customizations: 9
Magic Crafting: 2
Story: 5 (Seriously, they derserve it for not finishing the Civil War)
Enemy Variation: 7
Animation: 7 (Yeah, Bethesda still needs to improve their animations A LOT)
Two Worlds 2
PhysX: 9
Graphics: 7
Textures: 6
Weather Engine: 2 (Day & Night only)
Art: 8
Character Apperance Customizations: 2
Magic Crafting: 9
Story: 7
Enemy Variation: 8
Animations: 7
Overall Skyrim is still a better game, but i am amazed of how much detail Two Worlds 2 has all over the place and it was released in 2010 (i think) and it is still a rather good alternative to Skyrim, i am amazed as to why TW2 is not more widely known as it is fairly decent, and some of the features are just worth it since Skyrim just lacks some key features.
Just wanted to share this with all of you, this is not a Rant but more of a recommendation for all the people who love Skyrim, you may enjoy TW2.