Hey all- here's the problem: I have brought Serana to her castle but she won't go in. The watchman just keeps telling us to go away. I can't find a lever for the gate or anything. I went around the back of the keep and killed a few skellies and found a door, but it needs a key. I somehow hot the watchman to come outside (with the gate closed) by fireballing him repeatedly through the gate. He doesn't really seem to take damage, so I shouted him off the bridge. I couldn't find his body though to see if he had a key.
So, I'm stumped. Wiki says she should go right in. I can't dismiss her, and she won't take any of my stuff if I'm getting overloaded with loot.
Help please!
Oh, BTW I'm on a PS3 in case it matters. I also have Barbas with me.