Random Cinematic Sequence Freezes Character

Post » Thu May 16, 2013 1:06 pm

Hey guys, I want to get straight to the point. After handing the dragonstone and beginning the quest to face the first quest dragon, as I left dragonsreach into Whiterun my character suddenly froze. It went into third person and all control was lost. I was stuck into a cinematic sequence and could not use any character menus or move. (Note, I had no other major quests done at the time so I can't think of any quest-related causes of this).

When I tried doing enableplayercontrols, i could not move or rotate but I was able to cast spells and attack. I was unable from fast traveling as well and after waiting for 24 hours or more (game time), I'm still stuck. Furthermore, loading an old save didn't work because after an unknown set of time, the freeze happens again.

I started a new Skyrim with many mods so i thought this must be mod related. However, after disabling everything including the Dawnguard and Dragonborn dlcs, the problem still continued. After some random amount of time my character freezes and even if I can reuse the character menus through enableplayercontrols, I still can't move.

I have an extensive amount of mods but like i said, they were all disabled in a test I did and the cinematic sequence persisted. Still, in case it might explain something, I'll link it through another link as to not make this thread too long.

htt p://forums. nexusmods. com/index.php?/topic/994738-random-cinem atic-sequence-freezes-character/

Making a new character won't guarantee any fixes plus I put a lot of time into my current character. I don't want to go to that route and this is even more surprising considering this is a fresh install of Skyrim and all the mods through careful load ordering and cleaning.

I would be grateful if someone can help me here because I am unable to play like this.

Edit: After more testing I discovered the issue is somewhere in my data\scripts folder. I don't know how to find out which file it is however but it definitely is mod related. Is anyone able to guide me to finding this bad file?

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Petr Jordy Zugar
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