There is a quite a big bug with the sky water reflections in the game. They bounce whenever the player jumps and changes wherever the player looks. This video shows it perfectly: (another video too:
It seems to be most noticable in third person.
Essentially, this makes sky water reflections uhm...useless? Because nobody like bouncing water.
It would be great if some talented modder (since Bethesda has moved on) could fix this so that people can enable sky water reflections (which actually makes the water look great otherwise) without this bug. This problem has existed since 11/11/11!
There's also a bug with any (the LOD) water reflections in the water. If you jump, you can see the bump up and down too, but it's not as noticable as with the sky reflections.
It would probably be difficult though. Perhaps not even possible at all without the access to the code??