Says the IMPERIAL General. By that logic, all Imperials are damn faithless Imperials
Says the IMPERIAL General. By that logic, all Imperials are damn faithless Imperials
You do that, and the war continues on, and the Thalmor win.
Bethesda wouldn't have let people join the Stormcloaks if they were going to later say "Nope, Stormcloaks can't win." Imperial supporters seem to believe that an Imperial victory will be canon and fail to see a Stormcloak victory as possible. Bethesda will decide the canon and we SC supporters will be laughing in the end.
at least until both sides realize that fighting the Thalmor is more important than a petty religious dispute.
except I doubt Bethesda will decide a Stormcloak victory as canon, either. That would invalidate the Imperial side of the war...
It is less about religion and more about the Stormcloaks finally having enough of being told what to do. Now that they are being told what they can and can't believe in, the final straw has been reached.
This. The casual dismissal of religion is quite shocking to me. Those people obviously don't know the importance religion has in the lives of people and in their culture.
Or they could just wait for the summer months and send Their navy through the sea of Ghosts. Viola.
I agree. I believe the Stormcloak victory will be canon, but I also believe the Thalmor taking Skyrim soon after will be canon and that the next game will be set on the Summerset Isles.
again, what about the fact that they let people join the Empire?
So a Stormcloak victory can be canon and invalidate the ability to join the empire, but an Empire victory is impossible?
because Altmer a pompous and care only for themselves.
We truly want to break free of Mundus. How hard is it for you to comprehend that?
I do not think that banning Talos was casual to the Empire. Both sides of the Great war between Empire and Thalmor were decimated, neither had the clout to back up any bravado, and signing to the original demands seemed the only way the war would end.
so you say, but I think you are hiding something...
IF it was a Choice, I would side with instead of the idiots fighting over the throne right now
But all he wants to do is pick pretty daises as a little girl in France and show other boys his fine "Khajiit"