Skyrim Legendary Edition - Fallout Fan New to TES

Post » Thu May 16, 2013 11:05 pm


I have never played TES , but i have about 1000 hours in FO3 and FO:NV being that FO4 is a ways off yet I plan on getting Skyrim GOTY.

I dont want to have to play the game with my laptop on my lap :) I just want to be Me sometimes ill do bad karma stuff if thats what i feel is needed.

Im willing to run 100% rouge on skyrim at first in able to land some "game breaking" items , I'm willing to 100% slaughter a town to get $$$ and Loot

I perfer not to "chop wood" for 2 real life hours just to buy something legit.

So where do i go and what do i get to equalize my guy with the world around me?

I perfer to use weapons that "recharge" rather than having to buy ammo so i want a strong magic guy and will crank points in reduction of recharge etc... if thats how this game plays?

What class should i pick?

In Mass Effect i played through 1,2 & 3 as an infiltrator this allowed me to play my generally perfered RPG game play style

1. Identify Targets

2. Set local traps

3. Snipe baddies with the greatest advantage rather this be there HP or there location

4. Switch to melee and take out who ever can make it through my traps alive

This same tactic worked grat in all the Bio Shock games as well.

I really dont know what im in for in TES , But i am the sort of player who is willing to "Exploit" like glitching to the citidel to get power armor training, Wearing the multiple hats with the hat glitch etc....

and i did sneak into the death claw sanc. at like level 5 to get the bobble head using stealth boys.

so this is how i play help me get started in TES.


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Chris Duncan
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Post » Fri May 17, 2013 1:42 am

There are no classes in Skyrim. You just use whatever skills you want, and they level up with use. As you level up, you can put perks into the various skills to gain bonuses and further specialize your character.

If you want to identify targets, use Alteration for Detect Life. Alteration will also give you some other useful skills like the "Flesh" line of spells which are additional defensive buffs.

Talking about your "recharge weapons", sounds like you want Destruction as a focus skill. Destruction also allows you to cast rune spells, which are the closest things to traps you can get.

For sniping, you'll want Archery.

And melee, well there is One-Handed which allows you to use swords, maces, or axes, or dual wield them for max damage. Or you can go Two-Handed which allows you to use claymores, warhammers, and battleaxes for a lot of damage, but little defense.

I would say at least you want Alteration, Destruction, Archery, and One-Handed or Two-Handed. Probably Sneak along in there as well if you want to be a "sniper". Toss in an armor skill, and probably another skill you like for fun (possibly Enchanting to help buff up your items), and you got yourself a character.

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Rach B
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Post » Thu May 16, 2013 7:57 pm

If you want exploits, then smithing, enchanting and alchemy are a must. Enchanting will also reduce charge costs.

Archery for sniping and one-handed for melee. Sneak is a must for the sneak bonus. And join the Dark Brotherhood for the enchanted gloves.

For traps, Destruction is the only skill which officially allows for creating your own, but I wouldn't recommend it. You'll probably like Illusion for frenzy spells when there are groups of enemies, or you can group them together. Sneaking around and making some noise to lure enemies into their own traps works ok too.

That should be enough skills for you.

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Jah Allen
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Post » Thu May 16, 2013 8:12 pm

wow thanks guys now i have an idea as to where to focus my xp.

Sounds right up my alley i plan on running with the highest DT light weight amor avalible , this being so i cant get myself in a situation where im surrounded , i need to identify what im up against before i engauge.

not too crazy about this , having to cary various bows and arrows for the task at hand and track ammo etc... anyway i can use magic to pull the enemy to me to svck them into a trap?

I use use one handed as i must have my magic ready to go at any time.

as for sneak i generally do not sneak around , im invisioning walking and casting a alteration spell rinse and repeat then engauging. at the point of identifing the enemys i would enter sneak

Oh no matter how i played if i was offered to join a Dark Brotherhood it would be a no brainer beause of my love for Dark Lotus :) so this is great , maybe ill make a beeline to sign up for this.

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Post » Fri May 17, 2013 1:26 am

would like to have a spell with good splash damage for taking out multiple low HP enemys , and a spell with high dam. for taking out bosses

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Post » Thu May 16, 2013 6:05 pm

In that case, you do want destruction. Spells aren't especially powerful, but if you must, focus on fire spells, especially if you're using Illusion. Get the Aspect of Terror perk. Of course you'll want enchanting again for reducing spell costs. It's easy to master and add two enchantments per item. You'll probably want to reduce Illusion and Destruction spell costs and maybe fortify archery and one-handed.

If you're not going to sneak around, use the Muffle spell under Illusion to move silently. Or wear boot enchanted with Muffle (also available in the Dark Brotherhood)

Arrows and bolts don't have any weight, so you can carry as many as you want.

As far as PULLING your enemy into a trap, not really. You can PUSH them with Unrelenting Force, which you'll need to do part of the main quest to get. Or you can lure them with ranged attacks and spells.

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Post » Thu May 16, 2013 3:41 pm

what the best companion to complement my play style? do they die or just get knocked unconcious ?

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Post » Thu May 16, 2013 12:51 pm

Skyrim uses damage resistance like Fallout 3. The max armor cap is 667. Any more is wasted. So don't expect to be able to shrug off the scratches of the weaklings, as they still do and always will do damage to you. Given enough the tiny amounts can add up real fast.

Quite frankly, if you have more then one bow, you are doing it wrong. There are very few instances where having multiple bows with different enchantments is necessary. As for ammo, "tracking" it is trivial. You have a counter on screen, but you find so many arrows, its rather meaningless. I carry around several hundred steel arrows and keep the rest at home.

You are thinking too much in terms of Fallout and guns style of play, but that just doesn't apply here.

There isnt really a "best". There are some that use magic, others that use weapons. They can die, but usually take quite a beating before that happens. You really have to take your time killing things for that to ever be an issue, or just get really unlucky. However, don't expect them to be able to do all the work. They need you to take some of the hits just as you need them to take them.
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Thu May 16, 2013 8:48 pm

looks like the dark elf is the right "breed" with high elf being 2nd ? im afraid that being a dark elf may stop me from enjoying some of the finer things because of communities that dont like me for who i am? is that a correct assumption?

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Post » Thu May 16, 2013 9:21 pm

Race has next to no impact in Skyrim.
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carley moss
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Post » Thu May 16, 2013 10:33 pm

most followers can die but some are marked as essential so they dont die.
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Post » Thu May 16, 2013 2:42 pm

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Post » Thu May 16, 2013 10:22 pm

You see this game as Fallout with magic. It's not. There is no good or bad karma (there used to be in Oblivion, but they removed it...) - the world barely recognizes your actions. You won't find New Vegas complexity of organizations, choices and consequences. Your race doesn't matter, it doesn't affect any quests or the way NPCs see you. It's there just for variety's sake and to give you racial abilites (some are useful, but they're not the "make or break the game" type).

I strongly recommend against acquiring overpowered weapons. Enemies scale to you, to an extent - every location has a range of levels it can be, so if your level is at the low end you'll meet enemies stronger than you, but it won't be such a huge difference. You'll be weak only in the very beginning.

The problem is, to get really powerful items you need to smith and enchant them yourself. You don't really buy armor or weapons, you smith, loot or get them as quest rewards. Since there's no exp for killing things and doing quests, you level up only by using skills, so if you do it early on you'll level up quickly - the world will level up with you - but your combat skills will stay weak. It's a bit exaggerated, of course, but you'll really be screwed when going against bosses.

Progressing naturally is the best way to go. Don't powertrain, just go out into the world, clear some caves and forts, do a few quests and you'll get strong. Skyrim, or at least the main game (the DLC are more challenging on higher levels), wasn't designed with powergamers in mind. Overpowered equipment will make the game insanely boring because enemy AI is not that great, so you'll just slaughter everyone. No need for stealth and traps with this setup...

That said, you should look for Daedric quests. They usually reward you with useful, unique and/or powerful items.

For bosses: dual cast Destruction spells with Impact.

If you're going to sneak and snipe, it's best to not use any followers because they tend to charge on the enemy in the most inconvenient moments. But if you want one, take someone from the Dark Brotherhood, Aela the Huntress (you'd have to join the Companions), Brelyna or Serana (both mages). I hear Jenassa is also decent.

However, as a snipy magey character you might want a tank instead. Popular choices include all housecarls, Mjoll the Lioness (she can't die, so that makes her even better), Uthgerd the Unbroken, Vorstag.
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Post » Fri May 17, 2013 1:25 am

Destruction magic will let you deal damage and set traps (runes).

You'll need to compliment it with other schools of magic though. Illusion magic allows you to control, to an extent, the enemies before you. Fear spells will make enemies run away. Frenzy spells will make them attack anything on sight and then you have pacify, which as the name suggests, pacifies the enemy. Restoration school of magic also has turn undead, which works in similar fashion to fear spells.

Using these will afford you the ability to either pull, push or otherwise ensnare an enemy in your traps. Unfortunately the only ones you can 'make' (cast) are the destruction school runes, but some ruins have inbuilt traps. Nordic Barrows are best for that as far as naturally occurring traps go.

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