I have never played TES , but i have about 1000 hours in FO3 and FO:NV being that FO4 is a ways off yet I plan on getting Skyrim GOTY.
I dont want to have to play the game with my laptop on my lap I just want to be Me sometimes ill do bad karma stuff if thats what i feel is needed.
Im willing to run 100% rouge on skyrim at first in able to land some "game breaking" items , I'm willing to 100% slaughter a town to get $$$ and Loot
I perfer not to "chop wood" for 2 real life hours just to buy something legit.
So where do i go and what do i get to equalize my guy with the world around me?
I perfer to use weapons that "recharge" rather than having to buy ammo so i want a strong magic guy and will crank points in reduction of recharge etc... if thats how this game plays?
What class should i pick?
In Mass Effect i played through 1,2 & 3 as an infiltrator this allowed me to play my generally perfered RPG game play style
1. Identify Targets
2. Set local traps
3. Snipe baddies with the greatest advantage rather this be there HP or there location
4. Switch to melee and take out who ever can make it through my traps alive
This same tactic worked grat in all the Bio Shock games as well.
I really dont know what im in for in TES , But i am the sort of player who is willing to "Exploit" like glitching to the citidel to get power armor training, Wearing the multiple hats with the hat glitch etc....
and i did sneak into the death claw sanc. at like level 5 to get the bobble head using stealth boys.
so this is how i play help me get started in TES.