Why hello there...
I just played around with some sorting script and am very satisfied with them.
There is just a little problem...
The "RemoveAllTypedItems" command is a bit bad.
Since I use some FormLists to sort out what should get into the container I have to remove ALL types of items first into the container and then just remove all items from the container back which are NOT in the Form List.
Player.RemoveAllTypedItems Container 1 0 26Container.RemoveAllTypedItems Player 1 1 26 FormList
But unfortunately if I have a stimpak for example placed in a hotkey slot it also gets removed since the stimpak is for a short while out of my inventory for the food sorter.
Every item of the desired type gets into the container and then only the items which are not at the list come back into the players inventory.
So I wonder if there is a variable which saves the reference of a hotkey.
Because I would save that reference in another variable to give the player the ability to restore his short cuts at a terminal if he wants.
Should be possible if I know where the hotkey reference is saved.
I looked over globals, game settings, form lists and searched for hkey or hotkey but just could find the key bindings not really any variable to work with.
There was a string variable which named hotkeyString or something like that, but actually there should be 7 such strings since there are 7 hotkeys...
Any help?