What if Skyrim had Fallout12NV-ish endings?

Post » Fri May 17, 2013 4:04 am

Okay, let's try this again.

I made a topic about this several months (or perhaps years?) back. However, the last time it sort of got derailed, so this time I hope to be a little more clear about what i'm looking for.

This is to be a "what if" scenario... What if instead of just the normal ending to the main quest, you also got an ending slideshow predicting the effects of what you did in the game (or didn't do in some cases) like you got in Fallouts 1, 2, or NV? (But NOT perma-end of the game. I did not make that clear last time and all the replies more or less consisted of "Lol that would svck if the game ended after the main quest.")

For obvious reasons, there is spoilers so that is the reason this is here and not in the General thread.

Here is the premise:

After Tsun sends you back, you don't end up back on the throat of the world. At least, not yet. Instead, you enter a white room where Akatosh then speaks to you directly, congratulating you on your victory. As a reward for disciplining his son, he will give you something that many mortals have spent countless eons trying to acquire, but few have ever succeeded at: a glimpse into the future to show you what effects your actions you've taken in skyrim will likely have.

(you then get the slideshow reel here)

After that, the slideshow ends, Akatosh tells you that although what he's shown you is now the most likely future, he reminds you that the future is not written in stone. And asks the question: Do you accept the future revealed to you, or do you endeavor to change it? But before you can answer you find your surroundings fade, as you are once again teleported somewhere else. That somewhere being the throat of the world.

(The normal ending with the dragons then resumes here.)

Here's what I'm looking for: I'm looking for what you think those "glimpses" would be and what would cause them? What would they say, what picture would they show, and what actions would you as the dragonborn have had to take (or refrain from taking) in order to get that particular slide?

Remember: I'm NOT Looking for a discussion on whether or not Fallout-esk endings would/would not have been a good idea, or whether or not this would have been a good premise to present it (It's just one possible premise to accomplish this that I made up for flavor. There are plenty of other ways I'm sure.) This is not designed to be a serious discussion, it's meant to be one of those "fun creative" threads.

Also, just because someone already gave their version of something, don't be afraid to include yours (Example: if someone already made a stormcloak ending/imperial ending one, don't think that excludes you from making yours.)

Basically eventually I hope to collect the best and compile them in a list.

I'll start us off with some examples:

- "Although they had survived the near extinction of their guild since the end of the Third Era, your through eradication of the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary was the final straw. As prayers for death go unanswered, its memory will soon fade, becoming nothing more than fodder for historians to debate over for many centuries." (Picture shows the inside of the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary, with dead brotherhood members all over). Requirement: Destroy the Dark Brotherhood completed.

-"Although their leader had died trying to recruit you, the Dark Brotherhood itself carried on, albeit in an even worse state than before. Even the arrival the night mother did little to help, as without a listener, the Dark Brotherhood would remain leaderless for more than a century, until at long last a new Listener would finally be chosen..." REQUIREMENT: Kill Astrid, but do not complete "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood"

Not the best examples, and I did have better ones last thread, but I seem to have lost them. Oh well.

Well, happy ending-making!

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Greg Cavaliere
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