Trapped in the Lucky 38

Post » Fri May 17, 2013 5:17 am

So, during a lapse of judgement, I decided to test fire my grenade machine gun in my lucky 38 suite after splurging at the Gun Runners with my gold bars from Sierra Madre. The splash damage hit Victor, and my follower quickly did the rest. After the mess and painfully long loading times that were my stash of Fallout 3 saves, I got into the habit of clearing all but my current save every now and then, which I did at the worst possible time. If you're not aware, the only way to get out of the suite is to talk to Victor to change floors (at the stage I was at anyways). If he dies, you're stuck.

I've dealt with the fact that I'll likely never finish this game now (unless somebody knows a workaround... I tried modding my location with my save, but it doesn't appear to be possible, I'm on 360 by the way), but I'm still curious. From what I've seen, this isn't an uncommon issue. Why has it never been addressed? I'd imagine it's a fair bit simpler than a lot of other bugs they've fixed... Just allow access to the elevator.

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