I want to do a concept build. A kind of shadowy warrior organization that have manipulated the past Elderscrolls games (having our characters locked up where they were) The problem is I have no Idea what skills or quests would fit this concept.
Akaviri Shadow guard:
You want to know about the Shadow Guard of the Akaviri? Let me tell you, we are you neighbor. We are you brother, Your sister, Your mother or Father? We could be anyone, at any time. We manipulated every event in this past Era.
The Eternal Champion? who do you think sent that ensured that Jagar Tharn usurped the Emperor at the time. The hero of Daggerfall? well we had nothing to do with that. The Nerevarine? We ensured that the hero of Morrowind was on that boat. The Champion of Cyrodiil. He would not have been placed in that cell if not for us. Even in the current Era our power is known, but not known. We manipulated the assassination of Ocato, the start of the Great war, even the killing of Torygg, and capture of Ulfric.
Make no mistake, though we work from the shadows, out martial skill will leave you buried in the ground, with an arrow in your skull, or even charred to a crisp or insane. We have manipulated all the "prophecies", and have one more to play our hand in before our job is done.
Any thoughts? I am assuming this would be kind of assassin-like in nature but with an emphasis on the use of the blades sword. Kind of like a ninja.