So I have a mod where the dark is really dark and I need one of these spells.
So I have a mod where the dark is really dark and I need one of these spells.
Well, I take it you are not a Vampire? They get Nighteye. It is also a power for Kats.
There are several magic mods on the Nexus that will grant a spell. The game provides Magelight and Candlelight.
I too, implement an makes the nights pitch black, when adjusted with the I use a torch, until I get the
The Illusion Ritual Spell Vision of the Tenth Eye can also work as a lesser version of Night Eye.
I never even thought of that, good idea.
Isn't it funny, that we use mods to make dungeons darker, just to use other mods to make them brighter again?
If that's not too cheaty for you, Gophers has a cheat option for use with every character.
The Dwemer had all kinds of techy stuff. It makes sense that the the developers could expand on this.
Not at all. The game creates an environment that is stupidly lit. Dungeons are sealed crypts that have been that way for hundreds and thousands of years. Does it make sense to have them lit so?
Of course not. Neither does it carry any value to have nights in a game where one can see just as well as in the daytime. I can't speak for city dwellers, but I grew up and live in the woods. I can tell you right now... when it's dark you cannot see.
Using mods to make the game darker forces you to use these means of alternate light sources, that are otherwise.. utterly useless. * lights torch *
My current character has no intention of becoming a Vampire. The use of dwemer goggles allows one to access night vision without becoming a Vamp or being a Cat. It does this at a cost of being limited by the need of dwemer oil for them to actually work. This prevents the character form walking around with them on all the time.
This is why I wish I had Skyrim for PC. It's all about dem mods, son.
No worries, there are a lot of clever uses of spells which they aren't intended for.
I have been known to use Flames or a Healing spell as a makeshift torch-like effect for example.
My experience is that there are enough poorly lit dungeons to make Candlelight one of my most used spells.
As a fantasy book nerd it also holds a nerdy delight in using the spell.
True, but not only is it called immersion but also adapting to ones environment.
You know, being intelligent.
Most dungeons are justified in having lights, from braziers and torches in Dragoncult crypts to Dwemer ruins to glowing crystals.
The Dragoncult have quite a few canonical examples of items being untouched by the ravages of time, the same could easily go for torches and braziers.
I have a completely unsubstantiated fan theory that the reason why armours and weapons used by and around the Dragonborn doesn't degrade in quality and require repair like in Morrowind and Oblivion is that it is a passive secondary effect of the Dovahkiins dragonsouled nature.
There is no support for it whatsoever though.
there is abook that talks about the draugr rising up every so often and re lighting all the candles and such. the only places i dont understand them being light is caves with no lights...then again , in my game, they are pretty dark.
I can except the use of those light sources. But within reason. It's the over exaggerated amount of ambient light. A burning brazier is fine, but not when it illuminates a great room the size of a stadium.
I'll even go as far as to acknowledge the nights having a dim lit ambiance form the reflected light of two moons. But it's just too much... all night long, every night. When the moons are not out and or if it's cloudy, it should be total darkness.
The vanilla state of the game negates any need or reason for alternate light sources or night vision. Everyone is blessed with it and not just the Vamps and Kats.
Thank you for correcting me.
Do you have a link to the Imperial Library or other site, I want to read that book.
The moons are the corpse of a dead god and are literally impossible according to Earth physics, the stars and sun are the "bullet holes" of escaping deities.
Earth physics doesn't apply to Mundus and light, even night light runs by it's own rules.
Bloodmoon, the Void Nights, real world Earth physics has nothing to do with how the celestial systems work in the Elder Scrolls verse.
That is not my experience since there are many times my characters had need of lightsources, even outside but that might just be because my screen is old and performing poorly and you are competely right.
Many nasty traps are cleverly hidden in the shadows in dungeons.
Some which have killed quite a few of my many characters. Ouch...
I dunno, skyrim has some durable candles, case in point, the one in candlehearth hall.
i dont think thats the book, but it kinda references what i was talking about, when i get back into skyrim and find it, ill post it. currently ill and dont feel like looking too much....
The intricacies of lore can only be taken so far. You can't hide the fact of how light is emitted to being bound by TES specifics. You throw a ball up, it still comes down. Torches still produce light. The sun still produces light and it still reflects off of the moons, no matter if you use their lore given name and express the reason of their existence.
Light still maintains it's properties on Nirn as it does on Earth. Be that from a torch, a campfire a spell or the Sun. It still reflects the same. Be that from a blade, armor, the water or the moons.
Well, we obviously don't need the moons to do any reflecting as the nights are as bright as the day.
In the end of it all... the theory, lore and astrophysics of a fantastical universe is beside the point. Dictating lore, from a book one read the night before, to support why the sun shines is irrelevant. The fact remains that the nights are just too bright and dungeons are too well lit.
Modding the game to make it darker grants the player the freedom to implement mods that offer alternative light sources and visual effects. I welcome the need to use cool light spells and techy goggles powered by magic and oil. More choices than the 4 we have in the vanilla game.