Creation Kit won't install.

Post » Sat May 18, 2013 7:10 pm

Hi guys i am new here and i am having major problems getting the Creation Kit to install, I have asked at Steam but nobody from steam support has got back to me. I installed the creation kit before christmas and it worked fine. I have just installed the Dragonborn DLC and updated to the latest verison of Skyrim. I went to use the Creation kit as i want to try and create a small town and when i double clicked on the exec, i got a message saying it need to sync and required a Steam to go online, so i set Steam to Online mode and clicked on the creation kit exe. I then got a message saying that Steam has encountered a error and then shut itself down. So i reboot my machine and logged back into steam only to discover the Creation Kit has uninstalled itself, my Plugin files i had created a few months ago have even disappeared from the Skyrim folder. So now everytime i try to install the Creation Kit Steam keeps throwing me up an error message saying "Steam has ecountered an error (time out)" and shuts itself down. I am not sure how to fix this and as i said i contacted Steam last week and havent had any response from them at all. Does anybody here have any suggestions?

Cheers :smile:

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