Need some tips for restarting a char.

Post » Sun May 19, 2013 9:43 am


I want to start over with my first Skyrim character (first ES game) , a Khajiit Thief/Assasin. I want to restart this character so that it would be more niche character and not do everything .

When I started my first character, I did kinda every quest that I came across, cleared alot of dungeons and joined almost all the guilds even though it didn't really fit with my Khajiit thief from an RP point of view. But then as Ive created my Nord warrior which became my main, I started to come up with ideas for some new characters which would do certain types of quests that would fit with their class ( for example, my Nord warrior who is a noble soul, did not do Daedric quests).

So now, with the help of the mod "live another life" I started my khajiit as a caravan bodyguard. But I don't really know what to do further, I am lvl 1, I don't know what should I do to be this iconic Khajiit Thief char type.

I know Ill need to level up a bit until heading out in Skyrim alone.

If I join the Thieves guild so early I feel that I won't have things to do later on.

So where do I start.

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Post » Sun May 19, 2013 5:47 am

A thief eh...

If you want a pure thief, just focus on leveling light armor, pickpocket, sneak, archery/one-handed (Pick one, or if you don't like either, just use a dagger.), and smithing. If you want you should also level enchanting, but that wouldn't really feel thief-ish.

Also, I do the Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, and other faction quest-lines when I reach level 10, plus if you're gonna do Dark Brotherhood too, I suggest Archery, not one-handed.

I didn't include lockpicking since lockpicking is way too easy, don't waste perk point there.

Edit: If you picked the dagger, you could put the extra points you were supposed to use in archery/one-handed in lockpicking/enchanting, whichever one you choose.

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Rachel Hall
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Post » Sun May 19, 2013 5:02 pm

My question is what quests should I do BESIDES the thieves guild ( not gonna join the DB because i don't consider my character evil).

If I do " looking for work" type of jobs that would qualify as a mercenary type character , not a thief

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kat no x
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Post » Sun May 19, 2013 5:46 am

My thief is a bit of a treasure hunter and quite greedy - he tends to follow up on quests and leads (like notes, books and stuff) he thinks will lead to something valuable. Even though the only faction he has joined is the Thieves Guild, he avoids all kinds of quests that involves authorities (no bounty quests, no helping jarls to solve crimes and so on) and isn't particularly helpful and rarely does fetch quests, he has had plenty to do so far. He's now past level 40 and STILL hasn't done all "Restore TG to its former glory" quests.
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