Hi there. I'm from Polish. I would like to know why Bethesda has not released the Polish Skyrim on Xbox 360 and PS3.
Hi there. I'm from Polish. I would like to know why Bethesda has not released the Polish Skyrim on Xbox 360 and PS3.
Seriously though, they commented on it in an email to one of Skyrim fans. You can find it http://polygamia.pl/Polygamia/1,107162,10386807,Co_z_lokalizacja_Skyrim_na_konsolach_.html It doesn't really explain why it was impossible, but frankly, I wouldn't count on any detailed answer on this forum either. It might be a good idea to ask them if they're planning to localize the Legendary Edition - but I wouldn't get my hopes up. Cenega seems to have very poor communication with Bethesda, given all the problems they had with releasing DLC.
Will the subtitles automagically translate themselves?
What's the process of localizing a console game? The PC version was translated, so they already have the text. However, there seems to be much more to it - otherwise why would publishers refuse to localize console versions?
I checked Cenega's FB profile, the Legendary Edition will be in English too. No surprise here.
I wonder how many copies a game must sell to justify a translation.
If you knew enough French to ask a question by typing (which you could take the time to do) would you want to play a French-only game? Would you enjoy it as much?
Well you could ask Bethesda the next time they will answer questions on the forums, or find on of their accounts on the forums and pm them
You'd enjoy a game as much in a language you don't fully understand (and therefore miss things) than in English?