[REL] Dragonborn HD Ultra - Volume One - Apocrypha

Post » Mon May 20, 2013 5:04 am


Screenshot - http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/36222-1-1368987475.jpg, http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/36222-3-1368987479.jpg, http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/36222-4-1368987480.jpg.

This is the first release of the first volume of an ultra HD retexture project for Dragonborn.

Apocrypha - The Library of Forbidden Knowledge

According to lore, Apocrypha is "an endless library, shelves stretching on in every direction, stacks on top of stacks."

Unfortunately, in-game, I feel that the walls of books are a pixellated mess.

This first release includes new textures with bookshelves containing books along the walls (and ceilings), and upscales (bicubic smoothing) the fish-man statue textures.

The textures themselves are based on "Buchregal mit Musikschriften" by Giuseppe Maria Crespi in a form that has been heavily edited by myself - the original image is in the public domain and there are no copyright issues with using the original image.

Technical details:

HD (4096) retexture of Apocrypha book walls and statues. Performance will depend on your graphics card, but as Apocrypha is internal cells, the performance hit will be less than most 4096 resolution mods.

Known issues:

- Textures may not be optimized for best performance, but I don't see any frame rate hit on my own system.
- As with all retextures, the visuals may not be to everyone's taste - the walls differ quite radically fro the original textures, while (I believe) still remaining lore-friendly.

- This is my first texture mod - I plan to update and improve over time.

Dragonborn is required to use this mod (obviously!)
Textures provided in bsa format for easier installation and uninstallation.
Use NMM to install, or place the esp and bsa file into your data directory.

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CArlos BArrera
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