Fast travel and autosaving crash

Post » Mon May 20, 2013 11:10 am

This only stopped happening about a week ago. Basically every time I went from a certain structure to the next (say from Dragonsreach out to Whiterun) game would just crash and this error message came up. I turned off the autosaving on queue from some other posts and that helped a bit. Fast-traveling still crashes on occasion, when it feels like it. I can't help but wonder if it's because my file is getting too big (I'm only level 11 with about 20 hours of game time) but this error thing i described as being caused by files becoming disconnected with windows or something. I've cleaned my computer manually and also through programs like regcure Pro and that has helped a bit but not enough it seems (right now I'm stuck in dragsonreach after entering it successfully however). Any other ideas? Help is much appreciated, thx

Problem Event Name: AppHangB1

Application Name: TESV.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 51437ce5

Hang Signature: 2f81

Hang Type: 0

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional Hang Signature 1: 2f81c2567065a423ce525a472fdaa100

Additional Hang Signature 2: 284e

Additional Hang Signature 3: 284eceec9d5c9b6810191090c30052c1

Additional Hang Signature 4: 2f81

Additional Hang Signature 5: 2f81c2567065a423ce525a472fdaa100

Additional Hang Signature 6: 284e

Additional Hang Signature 7: 284eceec9d5c9b6810191090c30052c1

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Kari Depp
Posts: 3427
Joined: Wed Aug 23, 2006 3:19 pm

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