Blood's Honor glitch; need help (Companions)

Post » Mon May 20, 2013 3:08 pm

I am playing the PC version of Skyrim with all DLC and am currently on the Companion's quest "Blood's Honor" and am experiencing a roadblocking bug. When I return to Jorrvaskr from Glenmoril Coven with the 5 witches heads, Kodlak Whitemane has been killed along with several other members of the Companions. Aela and Torvar stand outside, next to bodies of several Silver Hand members, but neither of them, nor any of the Companions inside Jorrvaskr, act as if anything's amiss; their dialogue options are completely unchanged from what they are normally (i.e i can still ask them why they joined the Companions, etc). From what I've read they are supposed to announce that an attack has taken place by the silver hand while i was away, and Vilkas is supposed to approach me and continue the questline.

Please note that I have not previously cleared or even entered Driftshade Refuge, nor have I ever picked up the Helm of Winterhold quest; both of which have been known to cause a similar bug in which you cannot pick up the next quest in the series, "Purity of Revenge." Vilkas will not even complete the quest "Blood's Honor" for me, nor will anyone even acknowledge that the attack has taken place, despite the bodies.

I have tried reloading saves before I even picked up Blood's Honor, and have even tried to see if killing less than 5 witches somehow makes a difference, nothing works. I have spent hours looking online for a solution to this problem, and trying different things to get it to work ingame, to no avail. Any help anyone could provide would be appreciated, as until this gets resolved, I have no interest in continuing any other questlines.

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Marlo Stanfield
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