I was just wondering what everybody's character is. My character is a Warrior-type Nord.
I was just wondering what everybody's character is. My character is a Warrior-type Nord.
A Imperial Jill. Well, mostly. I focused more on my Magic and Stealth perks than my Combat ones.
Altmer Mage
And Nord dragon priest
Other: Falmer. My current character is the reincarnation of the Snow Prince.
I have four, two favourites, one who is a frustrating challenge and one neglected.
1. Imperial - thief, archer and all round sneak
2. Nord -Adventuress and explorer
3. Orc (bugged though) - Meant to be a warrior
4. Khajjit - has no idea what she wants to be, but thief will do for a start, she has plans on being an assassin maybe.
The 4th is the only PS3 character, and struggling for attention at the moment, the others are all Xbox 360.
Aww, another poll where I have to vote for something spelled wrong
(Oh well, Khajiit isn't the easiest thing to spell)