Until he conquered Italy that is. That was a disaster and barely worth the effort.
Until he conquered Italy that is. That was a disaster and barely worth the effort.
I would have gone with "we-todd-did" instead of "silly".
Those guys look like poor mid western Napoleon Dynamite type hicks dressing up for some kind of "con" or renfaire or something. They look NOTHING like how I envision Imperials to be.
So, it burns you up what others do to their game?
I think Imperials need to look more like http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120428090841/deadliestfiction/images/7/71/StormtrooperCorps_anh1080p.jpg. Far more accurate IMO.
I agree with OP. Late Roman armies looked very badass.
But I shouldn't complain, at least Skyrim Legion looks better than Oblivion's.
This is what I always envisioned Imperial Army to look like = http://www.crystalinks.com/RomanLegion2.jpg
What you posted and what the OP posted looks kinda lame-like. Imperials are more organized and their soldiers would be dressed simiarly, not all "wear whatever you want" type like what the OP posted. The dudes in the OP's pic look like they would get completely owned in battle by ........ well......... pretty much ANYONE.
Im sorry but thats really lame. they look like a common rabble with that random armor. the artwork itself is done pretty badly.
Oh god. No no no no no NO! I understand that the Empire is failing, but even the later Roman armies had some kind of uniform. Not just rags hobbled together.
Now now, people. The late Roman army, while a shadow of it's former self, still had the ability to kick ass.