You can suggest another name.
Please nobody link the name generator.
Valena for a mage, Nythera for a warrior, Ka'l Chen for a thief.
Between the two choices though, I'd pick Avellia.
Aveja is Nordic
Or copy from a classic Vilja, and spell it Avelja.
As stated earlier, Aveja fits better, but if you pick between Avelia or Avellia, I'd go with Avelia. It looks more Nordic than Avellia.
Both sound more Imperial than Nord to me. Maybe it's because I pronounce them "a-VEE-lee-ah" (like Amelia with a v instead of an m) and "a-VELL-ee-ah" in my head. Maybe you think of something pronounced more like "Avelja" like bradleyh suggested,with sounds more Nordic. But of your alternatives, I would go for Avelia.
Aveja looks Spanish, I think...
It does, five years of living in Peurto Rico and I did not notice it
I usually replace a y,h or an i with a j to make a name look "Nordic", it works with Freja, and Brunjild very well, not Aveja.
Aveja is a spelling of Bee in many Latin American Countries. (I had to look it up)
If she is warrior you could call her